Monday, October 16, 2017

Behind The Door by A. Gavazzoni & a giveaway


Behind The Door
by A. Gavazzoni
GENRE:   Psychological and erotic thriller
When Lara dies at the hands of a Manhattan lawyer during a sex game, his defense attorney, Carl, hires Simone, a psychiatrist, professor and author of books on sexual behavior to help him buttress his argument that Lara’s death was accidental. To help his defense, Carl’s client has written a detailed account of his steamy, year-long relationship with Lara. Carl gives the text to Simone for analysis. While evaluating the presumed killer’s writing, Simone continues to receive psychiatric patients with sexual disorders and unusual fantasies, and to research strange sexual behavior for her next book. Meanwhile, Simone’s clinical partner, friend and research colleague, Edward, is working with the police to capture a serial killer who is torturing and killing women. From hot and unusual sex and interesting psychiatric patients, to the swing houses of New York and Paris, this fast-paced page-turner is a blend of mystery, suspense, humor, romance and erotica.
“Yes indeed, my friend. I’ve seen a lot in my short life. I’ve bent over backward to please. I’ve been a puppet. That wasn’t for me, so one day I decided to stop.”
More than a hint of pain showed in her eyes…unsettling to find in such a young and beautiful woman. Who could have hurt her so much that she’d come to behave as she did?
“I know how it is,” I said. “It’s like apnea. What’s pleasurable at the start of relationships doesn’t last because it’s not real. You’ve decided to be real, once and for all.”
I’d finally said something that had surprised her.
“Yes. I like to go diving. Sometimes I dive without air tanks. I hold my breath. It’s called apnea and you can do it for only so long. At the beginning of relationships, people hold their breath. When they can’t do it anymore, they go back to being who they are and relationships end.”
“I adore that description.”

Inspiration to write Behind the Door

First of all, in my opinion the idea for a book comes first from the heart and then the mind fine tunes everything.

During my career, my legal career as I´ve been a lawyer for twenty seven years, I’ve worked with all kinds of people, all them so different, and I’ve met good people and bad, people who inspired me, people who provoked intense emotions within me—from love to hatred and from joy to sorrow. I suppose I’ve taken a little bit of all those people and combined them to form my characters.

Also, I love to observe people. There is no one person like another. They are all unique. They are all inspiring.

I also love to listen to people…when you really pay attention and listen carefully, you can find the hidden meanings and emotions behind the words. There are times when I’ve heard a conversation or even a single phrase and the underlying meaning provoked a whole scene in my mind. A simple phrase can contain all the elements of an entire story.

Behind the Door is also about not judging. I dealt with judgments during my whole life…and I hate them; they are usually so biased, based on “the book’s cover”. I wanted to show that how people behave is often based on their history, their personal traumas and dramas… and everybody has a good side and  a bad side—that’s life.

My characters in Behind the Door are a combined mix of traits I found in other people and were created to tell a story inspired by my very fertile imagination and the emotions life brings to me.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Gavazzoni is a Brazilian author. She just won The Golden Book Award 2017- Readers Choice for her first novel Behind The Door and also an honorable mention at Paris Book Festval 2017

Adriana is a lawyer, a former professor of law and a writer of novels and legal books, but she is also a voracious reader.

She speaks four languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. When she is not practicing law or writing, she enjoys many interests and is a very active person. She loves to dance (Tango) and workout.

She loves to travel, loves good wine, and has been studying astrology for fifteen years. She paints and loves to cook.

She has two poodles -Gaia and Juno -and loves all animals. She is an aunt of four nieces who enjoy to paint and cook alongside their aunt. She lives in Brazil and is in the process of writing her next novel.
Buy links:
Book Videos:

 A. Gavazzoni will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. I enjoyed reading your excerpt to get to know your story; congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your post :)

  3. I enjoyed reading the excerpt! Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Enjoyed the excerpt and the guest post - thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
